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Himalayan Pink Gourmet Salt-One pound shaker bottle


Himalayan Pink Gourmet Salt-One pound shaker bottle


NEW Product!  Convenient ONE-Pound Shaker Bottle! Himalayan Pink Gourmet Salt is 100% Pure all-natural with nothing added. There are perfect geometric patterns when viewing these salt crystals under a microscope. This unique salt contains 84 trace minerals naturally that promote re-mineralization of the body. Another benefit is that it contains less sodium than table salt. Use in any cooking or baking and enjoy the superior taste of this Himalayan Pink Gourmet Salt. In culinary, can be used as a seasoning for any food or baked goods, in a brine, salt rub, or blend with other herbs. Other Uses: Enjoy in the bath as a bath salt or in your favorite shower gel to create a spa-like scrub.

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