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Skin Care

Amy’s best all-natural skin care

Amy’s Best Owner—Age 50. Uses Melting Body Butter Bar every day. Untouched photo.

Amy’s Best Owner—Age 50. Uses Melting Body Butter Bar every day. Untouched photo.

love your skin!

Skin is the body’s largest organ and essential for our survival. Our skin has a big job by providing protection from the environment, microorganisms, and preventing fluid & heat loss.

As adults, we average more than twenty square feet of skin! Our skin is made up of lots of layers of flat, stacked cells that go through constant regeneration. You’ll find nerves, glands, hair follicles, and sensory receptors within these layers. As we regenerate, our old cells are constantly in the process of being pushed upward in these layers by new cells growing beneath. As the old cells come to the top, they get wide and flat and are rubbed off by activity. Every minute of every day, the average human body loses thirty to forty thousand dead skin cells, or about forty pounds in a lifetime. Your body makes an entire new layer of skin cells approximately once a month. Your skin is also losing moisture each day—approximately one pint of liquid a day.

As you can see, it is very important that we take care of this important life-sustaining, organ every day as it regenerates.

The basics of good skin care involves cleansing and moisturizing. Our products offer the best moisturizing protection with as close-to-nature ingredients possible. Beeswax, cocoa butter, and a wonderful combination of oils (olive, coconut, and sweet almond oils) provide moisturizing benefits in your daily routine. Our skin care is also beneficial for many skin conditions. Here are just a few: eczema, psoriasis, dry, itching, cracked and peeling skin, minor burns, inflammation, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, skin creping, skin conditions from underlying medical issues and skin that needs hydration.

Benefits of beeswax

Beeswax is one of the most underestimated ingredients in the skincare market. Beeswax attracts water molecules, keeps your skin moisturized and prevents the loss of moisture. Humectants work well in anti-aging products as the loss of moisture can cause sagging, wrinkly skin. The mild antibacterial properties in beeswax makes it an excellent facial product or for any part of your body.1

  1. Hydration for your skin. Beeswax is a natural moisturizer that will leave skin hydrated, soft, and smooth. You will see your skin’s texture improve.

  2. Natural collagen production. Beeswax naturally contains Vitamin A which will help to produce collagen in your skin. This can help to heal your skin quickly as well as provide a more youthful appearance.

  3. Anti-inflammatory. Beeswax is an anti-inflammatory that, in addition to healing, will help to soothe the skin and reduce any redness without clogging your pores. This holds true in reducing inflammation for acne, scars, stretch marks, rashes, and hives.

Sustainable & All-Natural Beeswax is our #1 Ingredient

Sustainable & All-Natural Beeswax is our #1 Ingredient

We Guarantee you will love how this loves your skin!

We Guarantee you will love how this loves your skin!

Amy’s best skin care—beeswax is our #1 ingredient

Amy’s Best Skin Repair Salve and Melting Beeswax Body Butter Bar© are the BEST at repairing damaged skin as well as for your daily moisturizing routine.  Beeswax is our #1 ingredient!  Use anywhere on your body for your skin’s health. Our natural and highly-effective formulations are made in the USA, and chemical and gluten free.


What’s the difference between the Skin Repair Salve and the Melting Beeswax Body Butter Bar©?  

The salve is able to be applied with your fingers liberally over your skin. This is helpful if you have large areas of skin that you want to cover.  

The Melting Beeswax Body Butter Bar© can be tapped out of the jar to release the full bar into your hand. The bar smoothly glides over your skin and melts naturally onto your skin as it is applied.

Once applied, both products can be rubbed into the skin for fast absorption and healing.

1 Source: Natural Botanicals.