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Trio-Sweet™ Sweetener (16 oz. resealable bag)

Shop Amy's Best



Trio-Sweet™ Sweetener (16 oz. resealable bag)


Trio-Sweet™ Sweetener (16 oz. resealable bag)



Trio-Sweet™ Brand Sweetener is an all-natural sugar-free sweetener that is a blend of three natural ingredients Chicory Root Inulin, Stevia and Monk Fruit. Inulin is an all-natural product that comes from chicory root. It is a pre-biotic that can help in promoting healthy digestion and intestinal function. This subtle sweetness pairs well with Stevia and Monk Fruit to create a sugar-like sweetness. Our stevia is a new spin on a favorite non-caloric sweetener. Our stevia extract's unique enzyme treatment was created so that there is no bitter aftertaste. Monk Fruit is part of the melon family is its use has been traced for over 800 years. First used by Buddhist Monks, this is the origin for the name of this sweet sugar substitute. This fruit grows abundantly on vines and produces a sweet melon. Use this sweetener in HOT or COLD beverage, to sweeten any food, or in baking. Use 1/2 the amount of Trio-Sweet™ as you would use sugar (or to taste).

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